
Freegle is the UK's biggest online reuse network and helps people give and get things for free in their local community. Some people have stuff they don't want any more. Other people would like things they don't have.
We match them up. As well as saving waste from going to landfill and incineration Freegle provides invaluable help for disadvantaged people, ensuring that they don't have to make financial compromises in order to furnish their homes and get hold of equipment or other things that they may need.
Freegle is free to join, free to use and everything on it is free. We have over 3.6 million members across the UK, 460 local Freegle communities with hundreds of volunteers who support these communities. In the last 12 months we have enabled 16,300 tonnes of stuff to be reused, saving over 8,300 tonnes of CO2 and generating around 11.6m worth of social and economic benefit.